Just a Little More

Moreish Shop 1, 8th Street, Behind Lamcy Plaza, Oud Metha, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 04th September, 2017 “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good” – Gordon Gekko Picture this! You’re in 1980 New York City. Your investment management company is located on the 42nd floor of one of the numerous skyscrapers Wall Street, NYC has

Unsociable Socialites

Social House Between Star Atrium and Dubai Fountain, Lower Ground Level, Dubai Mall,  Downtown Dubai, Dubai 16th January, 2017 ERMIGOD!!! HEEEEEE’S HEEEEEEEERE! What happened? Who? Who’s here? Where’s here? Dammit! Tell me WHO and WHERE and WHAT!! Relax…Relax… First ‘The Who’ (not the band!) – An old friend, one whom I have not met for